Pass it on!

Blogging during English 112 has been a pleasant alternative to formal writing for me. Although I was challenged at times due to my inferior computer skills, I persisted and became more competent. Hyper linking to other sites which corroborate key points really sends a message to readers. Also, the ability to receive feedback and correspond with other like minded individuals through the comments section of blogs has been fun. I will recommend to my eldest sons Boy Scout leader we establish a blog to use as an online guide for planning outdoor activities. Perhaps having an online media tool will encourage interaction by both kids and parents and lead to better organization. It seems ironic that I sit in front of computer typing away when I normally would prefer to be anywhere else.
As an avid outdoorsman, I take a genuine interest in our environment. It's not about catching a big fish, or shooting a deer or other game animal. My philosophy is you can’t live your life in front of a television set so go outside! Whether you play sports, enjoy bicycling, or just take an afternoon walk in the park with your dog, you should do what you can to safeguard the great outdoors.
As an avid outdoorsman, I take a genuine interest in our environment. It's not about catching a big fish, or shooting a deer or other game animal. My philosophy is you can’t live your life in front of a television set so go outside! Whether you play sports, enjoy bicycling, or just take an afternoon walk in the park with your dog, you should do what you can to safeguard the great outdoors.
Research for my posts has made me aware of the adverse environmental impact we humans have made on our planet. Further, I have learned there are paths we can walk to reduce our footprint on our environment. In previous blogs I have touched on numerous ways we can make a difference to bolster our environment. For example, anyone can replace inefficient light bulbs with economical fluorescent ones and recycle reusable items. Ultimately, the most powerful tool we can use to crack down on air pollution is voting. However, before you cast your ballot get the facts on the candidates. To find out who is currently in office click here and type in your zip code. This will give you your politicians email address and other contact info. Communicate with your congressmen or women. Also, contact the local newspaper. You have strong weapons at your disposal. The bottom line remains state and federal government control the future of the air we breathe, but elected officials are your voice. Your vote can make a difference.
I am a realist when it comes to the winds of change. I know I have been beating a drum of gloom and doom in some of my posts. This was to catch my reader’s attention and hopefully spark an interest. Just like a child, we must crawl before we walk, and walk before we run. Unless I am mistaken, the end of the world isn't predetermined. We have the time and resources available to clean up our environment. All it takes is a little effort on our part to start the ball rolling. Let’s give our children a clean tomorrow.